Saturday, February 8, 2014

Prelude to 2014 - UGANDA


          Take that, 2013 ... we made it! 

2013 passed, we made it to Uganda and came back and here is 2014, and it seems like it so easily came, but ...

it has been a long way to get here. Many obstacles where overcome and it took much help and support to make it happen.

2013 has been a crazy year for our family. We have tried to live quite radical, or perhaps I should say, that's just what was put in the path.
We started the year, having one of those moments, realizing we needed change, much change and that we wanted to spend the year focusing on building a stronger, Christ centered family!

Early on in the year, we both (Chris and I) came to realize we had things we just needed to let go and choose to want whatever God's will for our lives is!

Little did we know, this would turn everything upside down! We were constantly stretched, tested and taken completely out of our comfort zones!

Remember, be careful what you ask for ... 
the answer just might not come the way you where expecting!

It was a incredible year, incredibly full of very FEW ordinary days, many, MANY crazy ones, super tough ones, and thankfully also many fun and joyful ones!

We made the decision for  me to leave my job field in Veterinary medicine, permanently and start full time college, to study Human Rights, with International Studies and Teaching. But shortly after starting, we were led to put it back on hold and home school our kids. 
Interestingly that didn't happen until after I managed to take some art courses, clarifying some new directions for me and meeting people that would be important later in the year, even so we had no idea then. We finished a couple of quarters at college, got ready for homeschooling, and dealt with financial ugliness. 

In the midst of it, God said ... time to GO!

It's time to start checking into missions, time to check into adoption and time to follow the path I have for you!

It wasn't a thought, it was not from me and clearly not simply said by Chris! 

We have been together  20 years, and what it took for me to finally let go of controlling my future and dreams, it took for Chris to let go and be willing to hear and feel what his Father has for him.

Many doors closed, and the right ones opened in amazing ways! We met just the right people, at the right moments and just for such a time as this! 
It has been incredibly to see God at work this past year!

As we tried to obey and tackle this much bigger than us thing, everything seemed to fall apart for a while. We dealt with marriage problems, seeming too large to handle, a ton of financial stress, the new world of homeschooling and insecurities about leaving the job field permanently along with all the other normal parenting and every day problems.

And now, we are trying to take our whole family on a mission trip to Africa, 
we surely must be crazy!

But, you know, it really wasn't our plan! We could not have made all of this work on our own, no matter what! Throughout the year, God has had his hand so clearly in our lives, there is no denying it! Just as much as the enemy was waiting at every weak moment for us!

When God is at work, the enemy is working hard as well! We definitely learned a lot about that this past year.

However, we also learned that is absolutely, without a doubt, God that will win the battle every time!
The key is to let him! Things go terribly wrong when we try to do it our way, but when we step back, our Father always stepped in!

We had amazing people come along side us during the tough times and also to celebrate the joyous moments of the year. God put forth his troops to support us for sure!

We experienced what it means to truly be broken, what it feels like to be completely humbled and  what a tremendous amount of grace, love and unbelievable support and encouragement our Father has for us! 

All in all, I think it is safe to say ... 2013 was the hardest year EVER! 

But it at the same time it was likely also the most interesting, radical and challenging one (and I do like all these things)!

For us to have made it through 2013, to have made it to this place of getting ready for the first mission trip, is nothing short of a miracle!

It is all HIS doing, and ALL the glory goes to our LORD!

We experienced a lot in 2013. It was good to go through the hard ones and the good ones. I am excited to learn how to use all of it in the future and to see how God is using us.

And, to be quite honest, a few of the lessons I really do not want to do over again! Hmmm, good reminder to self ... try harder in some areas. :-)

We serve a awesome God and along some pretty amazing brothers and sisters in Christ!
Thank you all so much for walking with us this last year!

And now I will start blogging about the actual trip ... with photos, enjoy :-)

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