Saturday, September 21, 2013

THE first 5K

So, sometimes (or often) things don't go quite as planned ... sounds familiar?

Seems to be the always present part of every story in our family, but you know what! It teaches you to be flexible, to rely more on God and how incredibly blessed we are!
All the time!

We signed up for the Tacoma Color Run month ago, with the dreamy thought of being totally in shape by the time it rolled around. You know, start in the summer (since we are JUST relaxing, or NOT) with jogging and long hikes and fun walks.

Then by school start, we'd all be doing yoga twice a week and run a mile or so three days a week before school.

We are homeschooling this year, so why not shoot for the stars, right?! LOL, well and then there is reality ... no hikes, or long fun walks, not one single Yoga session and certainly no mile runs to prepare.
The closest we came was one walk around Lake Louise a week ago. Want to guess how long it took us? Yup, that's right ... over and hour, for one mile.
The vaccinations I got a week prior for the Africa trip, didn't agree with my Fibromyalgia too well and I for sure thought I am totally done after this.
And in the midst, our family seemed to just be grumpy, make bad choices and fight all the way to bed time the night before. Luke felt sick, I was hurting and the weather looked terrible!

So there, not the pretty picture I had planned, but a reality that most of us experience in one way or another very often. We try to do great, new things and while it seems great in our heads, getting to it sometimes is not that smooth.

Well, all that said, what happened then?!

We decided to go and pull through with it. I must admit I prayed a fair bit that night, and while getting ready.

We got there, met up with a sweet friend and had a awesome time!
The kids did amazing! Lenah ran most of the way and even the little man ran together about half of it. My body seemed to hold up much better that expected and I am so grateful how this area was covered and realize yet again how incredibly blessed our family is to be able to do something like this and how well our father knows us and takes care of us!

Our list of things that will stretch our comfort zone in this Radical Year has one more check mark!

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